A Great laying hen

A productive and robust layer

The Babcock White is a very productive and robust egg layer. It is known for its adaptability to different climates, including extreme heat or cold, while continuing to producing a high volume of first quality eggs per hen housed. The Babcock White is a balanced combination of high performance, egg quality, and excellent livability. The eggs produced by Babcock White laying hens are large sized with good internal and external egg quality. With its ability to lay a high number of eggs in a number of environments, the Babcock White provides strong performance for egg producers all over the world.

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The Babcock White today

  • High volume of large, first quality eggs
  • Balanced laying hen
  • Exceptional egg production and egg laying persistency in all kind of conditions
  • Excellent livability

Cage housing

Laying period 18-100 weeks
Livability (%) 94
Age at 50% production (days) 140
Peak of production (%) 97.0
Average egg weight (g) 63.0
Eggs hen housed 490
Egg mass hen housed (kg) 30.9
Laying period 18-100 weeks
Average feed intake (g/day) 111
Cum. feed conv. rate (kg/kg) 2.05
Body weight (g) 1750
Shell strength (g/cm2) 4100
Haugh units 87


Alternative housing

Laying period 18-100 weeks
% Livability (%) 93
Age at 50% production (days) 145
Peak of production (%) 96.5
Average egg weight (g) 63.0
Eggs hen housed 486
Egg mass hen housed (kg) 30.6
Laying period 18-100 weeks
Average feed intake (g/day) 119
Cum. feed conv. rate (kg/kg) 2.21
Body weight (g) 1750
Shell strength (g/cm2) 4100
Haugh units 87

Babcock White Parent Stock

We are proud to offer our leading Babcock White laying hens at the parent stock level to distributors all over the world. With the benefit of our world class breeding department, we are dedicated to providing high performance Babcock White parent stock and Babcock White commercial laying hens and saleable day-old chicks.

Parent Stock